Our b&b is located in the Città Studi area, in via Cesare Saldini 4.
a few steps away from Piazzale Susa.
how to reach us…
…From Linate airport
From Linate airport you can reach us with a taxi (around 15-20 euros) or with the underground n.4, stop Susa.
…From the central station
From the central station either with the historic tram n. 5 (take it from the square in front of the station, towards Ortica district) getting off at the first stop in via Beato Angelico, or with the trolley- bus n. 90 (the stop is close to the left exit of the station, where airport shuttles arrive) getting off in Piazza Ferravilla.
affiliated 24h covered car parking
An affiliated 24h covered car parking is available close by in Piazza Guardi.i